Jesus Christ

“Jesus wasn’t sinless — He dishonored His parents.”

This biblical incident is a favorite of skeptics, as they try to find fault with Jesus. The accusation is that Jesus dishonored His parents by staying behind in Jerusalem when they were traveling back to Nazareth. Therefore, He was in violation of the Fifth Commandment. Of course, the charge is completely unfounded. In Luke 2: 42-49 we are told that His mother and Joseph left Jerusalem “supposing Him to have been in the company.” He wasn’t, and an entire day went before they realized it. It took three days for them to return to Jerusalem and find him. He was in the temple teaching the elders, as He said, about His “Father’s business.” Any responsible parents would never leave a city “supposing” that their twelve-year-old was with them. That was poor parenting, not disobedience.

The Evidence Bible ©2011 by Ray Comfort page 1430. Posted with permission of Living Waters.


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