“Why is there suffering? That proves there is no ‘loving’ God.”
Study the soil for a moment. It naturally produces weeds. No one plants them; no one waters them. They even stubbornly push through cracks of a dry sidewalk. Millions of useless weeds sprout like there’s no tomorrow, strangling our crops and ruining our lawns. Pull them out by the…
“Why did God give us sexual desire (lust) if it’s bad?”
There is a difference between lust and sexual desire. God did give us sexual desire and it is not a bad thing. In fact it is a good thing. How else would we be attracted to a prospective spouse, and why would we even procreate if there was no…
“Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in adultery, but condemned those who judged her. Therefore you shouldn’t judge others.”
The Christian is not “judging others” but simply telling the world of God’s judgment – that God (not the Christian) has judged all the world as being guilty before Him (Rom. 3: 19, 23). Jesus was able to offer this woman forgiveness for her sin because He was on…
How reliable is the Bible?
Archaeology and History Attest to the Reliability of the Bible By Richard M. Fales, Ph.D. No other ancient book is questioned or maligned like the Bible. Critics looking for the flyspeck in the masterpiece allege that there was a long span between the time the events in the New…
“Jesus wasn’t sinless — He dishonored His parents.”
This biblical incident is a favorite of skeptics, as they try to find fault with Jesus. The accusation is that Jesus dishonored His parents by staying behind in Jerusalem when they were traveling back to Nazareth. Therefore, He was in violation of the Fifth Commandment. Of course, the charge…
Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?
It is true that there are numerous Bible verses that speak of the promise of salvation, with no mention of repentance. These merely say to “believe” on Jesus Christ and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9). However, the Bible makes it clear that God is holy and…
“Why does God want to torture people in hell?”
God will not “torture” anyone. He will simply give them justice. A criminal who viciously raped three teenage girls may believe that his being thrown into a cold prison cell is torture. The judge knows better. He calls it “justice”. God will “damn” rebellious sinners from all that is…
“What kind of God would sanction the killing of women and children?”
Let me tell you about my father. When I was young, he regularly left my mother and us three kids to fend for ourselves. I was there when he killed a helpless animal with his bare hands. Not only that, but he hit me (often). Based on this information,…
“Does Christianity oppress women by making them submit to their husbands?”
The Bible does say, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord,” but it also instructs, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it” (Ephesians 5:22,25). A man who under-stands that Jesus Christ sacrificed His life’s blood for…
“The Fact that there are so many versions proves that the Bible has mistakes. Which one is right?”
Skeptics often ask which Bible is right, and point to the fact that there are many versions. The implication is that each one is different, and therefore they have no credibility. How can they if they differ? They are right about the number of versions—there are thousands. There are…