
“Does God violate the laws of nature and logic?”

God can and does defy human “logic”. His very omniscience is illogical. How can He be aware of every thought of every human heart at one time (see Psa. 139: 1-10)? That makes no sense. We struggle to entertain two thoughts at once. Try it (not while you are driving). Opening the Red Sea is not logical. How did the water stand upright on each side of the Hebrews, as they walked through on dry land? Where was gravity when this went on? It is not logical to feed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. How were the fish multiplied? Did new fish appear, or did two miraculously divide into thousands of pieces?

Then again, invisible television waves making live news anchors appear in my home does not make sense either. Neither it is logical that old movies invisibly and instantly (in full color) speed through the air and manifest themselves on my TV screen. Nor does it make sense that a 747 jet floats through the sky, packed with hundreds of people. Instant communication via email with my family in New Zealand (7,000 miles away) does not seem logical. How can I email digital photos to them? Photography, both still and video, makes sense. Imagine trying to explain the concept to Galileo; he would think you are crazy.

So many natural things that we now take for granted defy the logic of earlier days. So it is not logical to reject the idea that the Creator of this universe–the One who created the laws of nature–could turn water into wine, still storms, curse a fig tree, and raise the dead. God made the sea; He can part it if He so desires. He can also walk on it. Since He created the human body, He can fix it without medicine. He can create pillars of salt, pillars of fire, and pillars of goose feathers if He wants. Virgin birth? No problem. Resurrection–is easy (see Acts 26:8). If I acknowledge that a supernatural Creator exists, everything becomes possible.

Exod. 15:4 “Pharaoh’s chariots and his host he cast into the sea,
     and his chosen officers were sunk in the Red Sea.”

The Evidence Bible ©2011 by Ray Comfort page 97. Posted with permission of Living Waters.

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